Real Estate Investing and Corporate Nonsense

Real estate investment gave me the freedom to leave a toxic corporate boss.

I had almost no idea what I was doing during my first real estate investing experiment.

Worse, I didn’t know how little I knew at the time. If I did, I may not have dived in as quickly as I did. And for that, I’m grateful.

After some cosmetic renovations, I moved into my unit in an owner-occupied triplex. Immediately some maintenance requests came up. And questions about paying rent. Oh, and one unit’s lease was coming to an end in a couple of months… how would I find a lease!?

I thought the hard part of real estate investing was behind me. Turns out, managing a rental property is a whole other skill set. And I had barely scratched the surface.

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A Cautionary Consumer Tale | My Friend Bob

A high debt, consumer driven lifestyle is more dangerous than we realize.

Going against the grain of our consumer-driven, materialistic society is difficult. Most are a slave to “more”, going deeper in debt to get fancy cars, stylish clothes and expensive homes. Being focused on paying down debt, increasing savings and building passive income for investment is not mainstream. Many want to look rich, but not be rich. But this debt building lifestyle that many take for granted is more dangerous than we realize. To illustrate, I present this real-life, cautionary consumer tale of my friend Bob*.

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